
General Information

Created: 2014-06-02 09:03:47
Modified: 2016-05-28 10:23:44

Active: Yes
Site:Samoylov (Lena River Delta)
Responsible Countries: Russia, Germany,
Timezone:UTC/GMT +10:00 hours
Vegetation Type:Tundra
Responsible Person:Julia Boike
Offset:1.2 m

Active layer thickness has been measured since 2002 on a 150 point grid, using a steel rod pushed vertically into the soil to the depth at which ice-bonded soil provides firm resistance.    

Thaw depth measurements (year started): 2002
Air temp. measurements (year started): 1998
Snow cover measurements (year started): 1998
soil temp. measurements (year started): 1998
soil moisture measurements (year started): 1998

Type:Offroad vehicle, Helicopter, River boat
Distance From Road:120000 m
Type:Samoylov Research Station
Distance From Heat:300 m
Other Disturbance:no
Distance From Heat:0 m
Permafrost Zone:Continuous
Vegetation:Large parts of flood plain are devoid of vegetation. Overgrown parts are characterised by Salix-Equisetum-Alopecurus alpinus community, dominated by willow shrubs, horsetail, Poaceae and Tanacetum bipinnatum. Mosses are very rare, except on the first terrace. Dry tundra is dominated by Hylocomium splendens, with Dryas punctata, Polygonum viviparum, Astragalus frigidus, with willow shrubs and lichens belonging to Hylocomium splendens-Dryas punctatalichen community. The wet tundra's vegetation is of Drepanocladus revolvens-Meesia triquetra-Carex chordorrhiza community (i.e., hydrophilic mosses, Meesia triquetra, Calliergon giganteum), sedge Carex chordorrhiza, marsh cinquefoil, sudetic lousewort. Carex concolor, with the moss species Tomen-typnum nitens, Aulacomnium palustre, and A. turgidum, are common in the Drepanocladus revolvens-Meesia triquetra-Carex chordorrhiza community of wet tundra and Hylocomium splendens-Dryas punctatalichen community of dry tundra.
Hydrology:The polygonal tundra on Samoylov Island forms a highly fragmented land cover pattern consisting of dry polygonal ridges with wet depressed centers, as well as numerous larger water bodies.
Landform:polygonal tundra, wetland Samoylov Island consists of a flood plain in the west and an elevated river terrace in the east that is characterized by polygonal tundra. Dry tundra conforms to moist-herbaceous plant communities (Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map) and occurs on polygon ridges, well drained plateaus and elevated polygon centers. Wet tundra is in depressed polygon centers, in water channels and on collapsed ridges.
Lithology:Dystri Turbi-Histic (Gleyic), Gleyi-Turbic Cryosols (loamy)
Morphology:Samoylov Island consists of a flood plain in the west and an elevated river terrace in the east that is characterized by polygonal tundra.
Description:Thaw depth measurements (year started): 2002 Air temp. measurements (year started): 1998 Snow cover measurements (year started): 1998 soil temp. measurements (year started): 1998 soil moisture measurements (year started): 1998
Access Timeseries
Bibliographic References

Boike,J., Kattenstroth,B., Abramova,K., Bornemann,N., Chetverova,A., Fedorova,I., Fröb,K., Grigoriev,M., Grüber,M., Kutzbach,L., Langer,M., Minke,M., Muster,S., Piel,K., Pfeiffer,E.-M., Stoof,G., Westermann,S., Wischnewski,K., Wille,C., and Hubberten,H.-W.: Baseline characteristics of climate, permafrost and land cover from a new permafrost observatory in the Lena River Delta, Siberia (19982011), Biogeosciences, 10, 2105-2128, doi:10.5194/bg-10-2105-2013, 2013

Do we have wrong or old data? Let us know via Email


Longitude:126.480632 °
Latitude:72.369775 °
Elevation:14 m
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