Piz Boè

General Information

Created: 2014-08-20 10:30:43
Modified: 2014-10-07 10:53:11

Active: Yes
Site:Piz Boè
Responsible Countries: Italy,
Timezone:UTC/GMT -01:00 hours
Vegetation Type:No Vegetation
Responsible Person:Andrea Crepaz
Depth:30 m
Drilling Angle:90 °
Diameter:10.1 cm
Deepest Sensor:30 m
Date Drilled:23. Jul 2010
Type:By cable car and by foot (1 h)
Aspect:45 °
Permafrost Zone:Discontinuous
Vegetation:Some patches of grass near the borehole
Hydrology:No water in the borehole
Landform:Plateau area in the massive of Gruppo del Sella
Lithology:Dolomites rock
Description:Borehole is locate under the peak of Piz Boè (Grupo del Sella), in a little plateau
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Bibliographic References

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Longitude:11.833 °
Latitude:46.509 °
Elevation:2900.32299805 m
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