Red Creek

General Information

Created: 2014-01-09 10:15:59
Modified: 2015-10-05 12:05:15

Active: No
GTN-P:CA 168
Responsible Countries: Canada,
Timezone:UTC/GMT -07:00 hours
Vegetation Type:Forest Tundra
Responsible Person:Antoni Lewkowicz
MAGT  (C) : -2.5
MAGT Depth (m) : 7.0
MAGT Date/ Period : Oct 3 2007-Oct 2 2009

MEAN ANNUAL GROUND TEMPERATURE AT OR NEAR DEPTH OF ZERO ANNUAL AMPLITUDE (°C) - report  value for most recent year or 12 month interval

This hole does not reach zero annual amplitude.


Depth of zero annual amplitude (or depth of measurement reported above)  (m) 7 m

Year or 12 month interval for mean reported above 2007-08

Range (if applicable) of mean annual ground temperature over observation period (°C) -2.5°C in 2007-08, and -2.2°C in 2008-09


Dawson         64˚2.400’N


Air Temperature is measured at approximately 1.5m height, recorded every hour.

Snow cover measured using i-button technique at 4 hour intervals.

Depth:7.2 m
Drilling Angle:90 °
Deepest Sensor:7 m
Drilling Method:Water Jet Drill
Date Drilled:01. Jan 2007
Distance From Road:500 m
Type:small shallow pond
Distance From Heat:300 m
Other Disturbance:small river
Distance From Heat:500 m
Slope:3 °
Aspect:0 °
Permafrost Thickness:>7 m
Permafrost Zone:Continuous
Vegetation:few black spruce nearby, cotton grass, dwarf birch, blueberries, caribou lichens, bog rosemary, cloudberry, low bush cranberries, Labrador tea, alpine bearberry, sphagnum moss.
Landform:Near one side of a broad u-shaped river valley, has been glaciated in the past.
Lithology:Medium to high ice content, fine material, sands silts and gravels
Morphology:In the bottom of a broad valley
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Bibliographic References

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Longitude:-138.36543 °
Latitude:65.15314 °
Elevation:774.450378 m
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