Shrub Tundra
The climate/ecozone here is known as a special marine/Arctic tundra, because the sea breeze and the salt air are part of the stress complex.
This is coastal Hudson's Bay. The land has been uplifting continually since the retreat of the continental glacier some 10,000 years ago. All parts of this coast were part of the sea at some time in recent geological history.
This is a hard rock site, with the hole entirely in hard rock (recorded as quartzite), seemingly with few fissures to migrate water.
Local relief consists of rock elements on the order of 1m with a horizontal scale of a few metres to several 10s of metres. Soil, both sandy silt and organics, fill low parts in the rocks and becomes a continuous cover about 1km to the south (away from Hudson's Bay). The well itself is on a near-flat and level place on the rock outcrop, with horizontal extent of about 50m, and littered with scattered rocks from 20cm to 2m in dimensions.