
General Information

Created: 2014-01-13 10:51:58
Modified: 2014-02-28 10:51:42

Active: No
Responsible Countries: Kazakhstan, United States,
Timezone:UTC/GMT +05:00 hours
Vegetation Type:No Vegetation
Responsible Person:Sergey Marchenko

Borehole depth 6 m or 70 m?

Temperature measurements/statistics and data from closest climate station in tables in GTN-P file.


MAGT  (C) -0.9

MEAN ANNUAL GROUND TEMPERATURE AT OR NEAR DEPTH OF ZERO ANNUAL AMPLITUDE (°C) – report  value for most recent year or 12 month interval

in table.


Depth of zero annual amplitude (or depth of measurement reported above)  (m)

About 12-14 m


Year or 12 month interval for mean reported above 12.1998-10.2000

Range (if applicable) of mean annual ground temperature over observation period (°C)

See table


NAME AND LOCATION OF CLOSEST CLIMATE STATION (latitude, longitude, and distance from borehole, km) – provide (if available) mean monthly air temperature and snow depth of reporting interval for mean annual ground temperature Big Almatian Lake (Bolshoe Almatinskoe Ozero), 43 04'N, 76 59'E, 2506 m a.s.l. and 8 km beyond the C70 site by road

Depth:70 m
Drilling Angle:90 °
Diameter:12.6 cm
Drilling Method:first 12 m core drilling, deeper by rolling cutter
Date Drilled:01. Jan 1992
Type:38 km beyond Almaty city, last 16 km earth road (4-wheel drive vehicle), borehole close to the road
Slope:5 °
Aspect:337.5 °
Permafrost Thickness:>70 m
Permafrost Zone:Discontinuous
Vegetation:Site has no vegetation, but surrounding territory can be classified as high mountain tundra
Landform:Holocene moraine 12 m thickness, deeper bedrock – Paleozoic granites.
Lithology:Holocene moraine 12 m thickness, deeper bedrock – Paleozoic granites. Predominant: gravel, fragments of stones and sand without soil layer. Ice content in the 12-meters upper layer varies from 5 to 40%. Between 10 and 12 m ice saturated permafrost, high ice content.
Morphology:Saddle of the mountain pass Zhusalykezen
Access Timeseries
Bibliographic References
Marchenko, S. S. 2002. Results of monitoring of active layer in the Northern Tien Shan mountains. J.Earth Cryosphere. 4(3): 25-34. (in Russian with English abstract).
Marchenko, S. S. 2003. Permafrost of the Northern Tien Shan: past, present and future. Yakutsk. (In Russian).

Do we have wrong or old data? Let us know via Email


Longitude:76.94426 °
Latitude:43.04063 °
Elevation:3336.50952148 m
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