Tsengel M10 (mountain)

General Information

Created: 2014-01-16 11:14:06
Modified: 2014-02-14 09:35:22

Active: No
Responsible Countries: Mongolia,
Timezone:UTC/GMT +08:00 hours
Vegetation Type:Grassland
Responsible Person:Natsagdorj Sharkhuu
MAGT (C) -5,2

Active layer thickness is about 1.1 m. Thaw depth was 1.09 m by 9th Aug. 2002.

MEAN ANNUAL GROUND TEMPERATURE AT OR NEAR DEPTH OF ZERO ANNUAL AMPLITUDE (°C) – report  value for most recent year or 12 month interval -0.25oC at depth of 1.3 m by the 9th August, 2002

NAME AND LOCATION OF CLOSEST CLIMATE STATION (latitude, longitude, and distance from borehole, km) – provide (if available) mean monthly air temperature and snow depth of reporting interval for mean annual ground temperature. Tsengel weather station is located at 35 km north from the hole

Depth:1.3 m
Drilling Angle:90 °
Date Drilled:01. Jan 2002
Type:By road or air transportation from Ulaanbaatar to Ulgi (1600 km). Then by jeep to Tsengel mountain (110 km).
Slope:5 °
Aspect:0 °
Permafrost Zone:Sporadic
Vegetation:Mountain meadow
Lithology:0-0.9 m gravely fine sand 0.9-1.3 m- loamy sand with gravel and pebbles. Thaw depth was 1.09 m by the 9th August, 2002
Morphology:The borehole is located on swampy gentle slope of a mountain (North-facing foot)
Access Timeseries
Bibliographic References

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Longitude:89.11144444 °
Latitude:48.6695 °
Elevation:2950 m
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