Little Smith LS-01

General Information

Created: 2014-02-13 09:26:36
Modified: 2014-02-13 09:42:31

Active: No
Site:Mackenzie River
GTN-P:CA 189
Responsible Countries: Canada,
Timezone:UTC/GMT -05:00 hours
Vegetation Type:Coniferous Forest
Responsible Person:Sharon Smith

Permafrost present but thickness unknown.


MEAN ANNUAL GROUND TEMPERATURE AT OR NEAR DEPTH OF ZERO ANNUAL AMPLITUDE (°C) – report value for most recent year or 12 month interval -0.1°C

Depth of zero annual amplitude (or depth of measurement reported above) 10.0 m

Year or 12 month interval for mean reported above August 2008-09


Norman Wells: 65°16.8’N, 126°48’W

Monthly average air temperatures and snow depths for Jan - Dec 2009

Month             Temp (°C)      Total Snow (cm)

Jan                  -28.7                21.2

Feb                  -23.5                15.8

Mar                 -23.3                12.6

Apr                  -4.3                  10.6

May                 5.7                   6.8

Jun                  14.1                 T

Jul                   16.3                 T

Aug                 14.2                 0

Sept                8.2                   5.0

Oct                  -3.0                  22.4

Nov                 -17.9                13.2

Dec                 -20.7                36.0

MAAT             -5.2

Depth:20.6 m
Drilling Angle:90 °
Deepest Sensor:15 m
Drilling Method:Rubber track-mounted M5T drill rig
Date Drilled:01. Feb 2007
Type:Winter: road, summer: helicopter
Distance From Road:20 m
Slope:2 °
Aspect:267.6 °
Permafrost Zone:Discontinuous
Vegetation:Open mature black spruce forest.
Landform:Alluvial flood plain
Lithology:Top 50 cm – Clay, unfrozen 0.5-1 m Sand: silty, fine, loose, brown. 1-3.5 m Gravel, some sand, free water Below 3.5 m – clay – silty, sandy, some gravel, stiff to very stiff, grey, moist. Frozen at approx. 8.5 m in 2008.
Access Timeseries
Bibliographic References
Smith, S.L., Ye, S. and Ednie, M., 2007. Enhancement of permafrost monitoring network and collection of baseline environmental data between Fort Good Hope and Norman Wells, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2007-B7, 10 p.
Smith, S.L., Nguyen, T.N., Riseborough, D.W., Ednie, M., Ye, S. and Chartrand, J., 2008. Preliminary ground-thermal data for permafrost monitoring sites established in 2007 between Fort Good Hope and Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, Geological Survey of Canada Current Research 2008-20, 9p.
Smith, S.L., Chartrand, J., Nguyen, T.N., Riseborough, D.W., Ednie, M., and Ye, S., 2009. Geotechnical database and descriptions of permafrost monitoring sites established 2006-07 in the central and southern Mackenzie Corridor; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6041.

Do we have wrong or old data? Let us know via Email


Longitude:-124.73972222 °
Latitude:64.43166667 °
Elevation:66.52677155 m
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