Tamma 12/87

General Information

Created: 2014-02-17 11:05:47
Modified: 2014-02-17 11:05:47

Active: No
Responsible Countries: Russia,
Timezone:UTC/GMT +10:00 hours
Vegetation Type:Forest Tundra
Responsible Person:Pavel Skryabin

Borehole code?


PERMAFROST TEMPERATURE (and range in temperature over observation period if available) AND DEPTH AT ZERO AMPLITUDE (°C, m)      -4.5…-2.8°C,  20 m


AIR TEMPERATURE AND SNOW COVER THICKNESS/DENSITY MEASUREMENTS AT THE BOREHOLE SITE (indicate frequency of observations): Air temperature: Yes [ ] No [x]    Snow thickness: Yes[x] No[ ] (1987-2000)   Density: Yes [x] No[ ] 



NAME AND LOCATION OF CLOSEST CLIMATE STATION (latitude, longitude, and distance from borehole, km); PROVIDE SEPARATELY MEAN MONTHLY AIR TEMPERATURES AND SNOW DEPTH AS AVAILABLE “Yakutsk”,  62°01’10’’ N  129°43’09’’ W,  35 km, 1882-2000 (air temperatures), 1931-2000(snow depth)

Depth:12 m
Drilling Angle:90 °
Drilling Method:Column drilling
Date Drilled:13. Jul 1987
Type:car, 50 km from Yakutsk
Type:6 m above the shore line of river Tamma, 500 m away from shoreline of river Tamma
Distance From Heat:400 m
Slope:1 °
Aspect:90.4 °
Permafrost Zone:Continuous
Vegetation:Middle Taiga. Cowberries and blueberries with larches.
Landform:Alluvial sediments , aQiv
Lithology:0-11m fine size grained sands with inclusions of pebbles and layers of peat
Morphology:Valley. The surface of the above flood plane terrace mane of the River Tamma.
Access Timeseries
Bibliographic References

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Longitude:129.83333333 °
Latitude:61.7 °
Elevation:156.23745728 m
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