Created: 2014-02-17 14:23:25 Modified: 2014-02-17 14:46:27
Borehole code?
MEAN ANNUAL GROUND TEMPERATURE AT OR NEAR DEPTH OF ZERO ANNUAL AMPLITUDE (°C) – report value for most recent year or 12 month interval -2.5°C
Depth of zero annual amplitude (or depth of measurement reported above) (m) 20 m zero amp.
AIR TEMPERATURE AND SNOW COVER THICKNESS/DENSITY MEASUREMENTS AT THE BOREHOLE SITE (indicate frequency of observations): Air temperature: Yes [x] No [ ] Snow thickness: Yes[x] No[ ] Density: Yes [ ] No[x]
NAME AND LOCATION OF CLOSEST CLIMATE STATION (latitude, longitude, and distance from borehole, km) – provide (if available) mean monthly air temperature and snow depth of reporting interval for mean annual ground temperature Hal'mer'u (67°54'N 64°45'E), air temp, snow depth (1950-1994)
TSP Russia Vorkuta MIREKO/UAF-GI/Polyarnouralgeologiya
Do we have wrong or old data? Let us know via Email