Rockglacier Bellecombes

General Information

Created: 2015-03-11 13:47:08
Modified: 2015-12-16 13:29:41

Site Description:pebbly rock glacier with chairlift station
Responsible Countries: France,
Timezone:UTC/GMT +01:00 hours
Vegetation Type:No Vegetation
Responsible Person:Philippe Schoeneich

ground surface temperature mesurements with UTL-3 loggers

surface displacements by DGPS

repeated geophysical surveys: ERT, refraction seismics, relfexion seismics, georadar

Type:secure and easy access for vehicles through earth track (ski track) in summer, with snow vehicle or by ski in winter
Distance From Road:0 m
Type:earth/ski track, compaction of snow cover
Permafrost Zone:Mountain
Vegetation:No vegetation. Sparse alpine plants.
Hydrology:No surface water. Thick winter snow cover, partly compacted by ski track preparation. No glacier cover during Holocene.
Landform:Smooth slope, convex on lower part.
Lithology:Limestone debris on gneiss bedrock
Morphology:Moderatly active pebbly rock glacier, with two tongues. Boreholes on the left tongue.
Access data
Bibliographic References

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Longitude:6.162 °
Latitude:44.995 °
Elevation:2642.66845703 m